Easter is just around the corner and what better way to celebrate than with some fun and interactive ESL games for your classroom? Incorporating seasonal themes into your lesson plans can be a great way to keep your students engaged and motivated. However, as teachers, we know that our time is valuable and sometimes planning elaborate activities is just not feasible. I know that I've often bitten off more than I can chew when it comes to lesson planning. That's why I've put together a practical list of 5 little to no-prep Easter themed ESL games that you can use in your classroom without breaking a sweat. These games are designed to be simple, yet effective, and are perfect for practicing a variety of language skills. So, let's hop to it and make this Easter a memorable one for your students!

1. Easter Egg Hunt: This classic game is perfect for practicing vocabulary and prepositions. Hide plastic Easter eggs around the room and have students search for them. Before they can open the eggs, they must describe where they found them using prepositions like "under," "behind," or "next to." No materials or prep time required, just some plastic eggs and a space to hide them.
2. Bunny Says: Similar to Simon Says, Bunny Says is a fun way to practice listening and following instructions. One student is chosen to be the "bunny" and gives commands like "Bunny says hop three times!" Students must only follow commands that start with "Bunny says." Any student who follows a command without "Bunny says" is out. To get the kids excited, provide a bunny ears headband for the "bunny" to wear. No materials required, but some prep time may be necessary to explain the game rules.
3. Egg Toss: This game is perfect for practicing basic vocabulary and coordination. Divide students into pairs and give each pair a plastic egg. Students stand facing each other and toss the egg back and forth while saying a vocabulary word or sentence. If a student drops the egg, they must start over. No materials required, but some prep time may be necessary to review vocabulary words and sentences.
4. Easter Bingo: This classic game is great for practicing vocabulary and listening skills. Create bingo cards with Easter-themed images (such as a bunny, egg, or basket) and call out words or sentences related to each image. Students must listen and mark off the corresponding image on their card. The first student to get bingo wins! Some materials and prep time required to create the bingo cards and word/sentence list.
5. Egg Relay: This active game is perfect for practicing vocabulary and teamwork. Divide students into teams and give each team a plastic egg. Students must pass the egg from one team member to another while saying a vocabulary word or sentence. The team that passes the egg down the line the fastest wins. No materials required, but some prep time may be necessary to review vocabulary words and sentences.