The SAT is a standardized test used for college admissions in the United States, and it includes a significant vocabulary component. While the test covers a wide range of words and phrases, some are more important than others. Today, I'm going to share some of the most important SAT vocabulary words to know, along with examples of how they might be used in context:
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1. Ambivalent
Having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone
Example: I felt ambivalent about taking the job, as it would require a long commute but offered a higher salary.
2. Cogent
Clear, logical, and convincing
Example: The lawyer presented a cogent argument that convinced the jury of his client's innocence.
3. Disseminate
To spread or distribute something widely
Example: The nonprofit organization's mission is to disseminate information about mental health resources to underserved communities.
4. Esoteric
Intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest
Example: The author's latest book is written in an esoteric style that may be difficult for casual readers to understand.
5. Hackneyed
Overused and lacking in originality
Example: The politician's speeches were filled with hackneyed phrases and platitudes that failed to inspire the audience.
6. Incontrovertible
Impossible to dispute or doubt
Example: The scientific evidence presented by the expert was incontrovertible and left no room for debate.
7. Mitigate
To make less severe, harmful, or painful
Example: The doctor prescribed pain medication to mitigate the patient's discomfort after surgery.
8. Pernicious
Having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way
Example: The company's policies had a pernicious effect on the environment, leading to increased pollution and damage to natural habitats.
9. Quixotic
Exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical
Example: The young activist's quixotic dreams of ending world hunger were admirable, but unlikely to be realized in the near future.
10. Superfluous
Unnecessary or excessive
Example: The boss asked the employee to remove the superfluous data from the report, as it distracted from the key points.
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These are just a few of the many important SAT vocabulary words to know. By studying and practicing with these words and their meanings, you can increase your chances of success on the test and in your future academic endeavors. So, if you're gearing up to take the SAT, or if you just want to build up your vocabulary, be sure to add these to your flashcards!